My First Kite Surfing Experience in Fort Lauderdale

How to learn kite surfing

So, there I was, scrolling through endless feeds of travel escapades and extreme sports, when I thought, “Why not try kite surfing?” Sure, it sounded cool enough for a travel junkie like me. Fort Lauderdale beaches, winds that could challenge a NASA wind tunnel, and me—a 25-year-old with a penchant for biting off more than I can chew.

Recipe for success? Absolutely not. But who cares? It was time to hit the waves, or more accurately, let the waves hit me.

Why Kite Surfing?

So, there I was, scrolling through endless feeds of travel escapades and extreme sports, when I thought, “Why not try kite surfing?” Sure, it sounded cool enough for a travel junkie like me. Fort Lauderdale beaches, with their golden sands and reputation for epic winds that could challenge a NASA wind tunnel, beckoned.

I’m a girl who has never shied away from a challenge, always eager to test my limits. Was this a logical choice? Probably not. But adventure calls not for the logical but for the brave. Recipe for success? Absolutely not. But who cares? It was time to hit the waves, or more accurately, let the waves hit me.

Day 1 – My Humble Beginnings

Kite surfing lessons

The first day felt like being the new kid in a cool class:

  • Wetsuit? Check. Tight enough to feel like a second skin, it promised to shield me from the cool bite of the ocean.
  • Harness? Awkward but check. Strapping it on felt like gearing up for a space mission—both thrilling and slightly uncomfortable.
  • Kite? It looked like a parachute and a half, but yeah, check. Daunting in size, it flapped eagerly in the wind, as if itching to drag me off into the sky.

I met my instructor, a guy so bronzed he could be a walking advertisement for suntan lotion. He laid out the basics with an easy grin, making it sound as simple as riding a bike. If only it were that easy.

The Actual Kite Surfing Part

Here’s how my grand debut went:

Step 1: Launch the kite. Reality: Did a spectacular job of tangling myself up. The kite, with a mind of its own, whipped around chaotically, leaving me to untangle lines like a novice puppeteer.

Step 2: Stand up on the board. Reality: Drank half the ocean. The board, slick and uncooperative, seemed to dodge every attempt I made to mount it.

Step 3: Surf like a pro. Reality: Managed a glorious faceplant. The waves, unimpressed with my efforts, sent me tumbling through salty foam.

Oh, and did I mention the wind? The wind was really teasing me. I expected to glide smoothly, but instead, I was clumsily bouncing and dodging around, nothing like the majestic eagle I had imagined. I believe that was probably the most embarrassing day of my life up to now. Anyway, the people who saw me had a good time watching me, that’s for sure.

Day 2 – The Revenge

Kite surfing guide

Day two, and I was back. Glutton for punishment? Absolutely. The ocean had yet to claim victory over my stubborn spirit. With a mix of dread and excitement, I strapped on my gear, ready to face the relentless sea once again.

Round Two with the Kite

The wind was less mocking, or maybe it took pity on me. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Kite Launching: Less of a disaster. Only mildly embarrassing. I managed to get the kite aloft without a major mishap, a small triumph against the capricious winds.
  • Standing Up: Achieved verticality for more than three seconds. A new record. Balancing briefly, I felt a rush of hope—maybe I could actually do this.
  • Actual Surfing: I MOVED! I actually moved forward without kissing the surf! The brief moment of coordination between kite, board, and wind felt like a breakthrough.

Small victories, but I’ll take them. Each little success felt like winning a minor battle against the mighty Atlantic. Maybe there was a chance for me to become more than just comedic relief for the beach spectators.

Day 3 – It Clicks!

Beginner kite surfing tips

By the third day, I wasn’t just a stumbling mess. Call it muscle memory, sheer stubbornness, or perhaps the ocean got tired of my antics. Whatever it was, something clicked. Movements felt more natural, less forced, and I began to anticipate the wind’s whims.

I Finally Felt The Actual Joy of Kite Surfing!

And then it happened—I was kite surfing. Really surfing. Not just battling equipment and my own limbs, but actually harnessing the wind. The feeling? Exhilarating. The view? Breathtaking. The adrenaline? Off the charts. For a few glorious moments, I was in perfect sync with nature, a dance of wind and water.

Would I Do It Again?

Ford Lauderdale kite surfing spots

In a heartbeat. It was a mix of terror, thrill, and total bliss. Embracing the unpredictable nature of wind and water, I found a thrilling sense of freedom in the chaos. Here’s my unsolicited advice for anyone thinking about kite surfing:

Respect the learning curve.

It’s steeper than it looks. Every wipeout teaches a lesson, and every lesson makes you a little better. I’m living proof of that, as I was in a similar situation with paddleboarding.

Laugh at yourself

You’ll need a good sense of humor. Humor keeps the frustration at bay and makes the learning process enjoyable.

Enjoy every moment

Even the ones that involve swallowing copious amounts of seawater. Every second in the water is a part of the adventure, a story to tell.

In Summary

I would define kite surfing in Fort Lauderdale as a battle of wills between you and nature—and it’s totally worth it. If you’re looking for a way to challenge yourself, laugh a lot, and maybe, just maybe, find a new passion, grab a kite and hit the beach. Just maybe not when the winds are mocking you.

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